I know what most customers are thinking as they consider trying this product out - $80 for a pair of glorified underwear is outrageous. You're right. A lot of folks probably want to give this new product a try, but $80 is a challenging investment for them and what if they just don't work out?
Well, let me help you folks out. I am a life long bedwetter. No telling why. It could be that I am on the Spectrum and have no wired in bladder full warning. It could be that trauma experienced early in life rendered me psychologically incontinent. Either way, the reason I wet at night doesn't matter nearly as much as how I've chosen to deal with it.
I've always felt that I am too young and much too old to be still wetting the bed. But that isn't the problem as much as a literal wet bed. It creates work for me that I don't always have time for and it makes my bed smell even with protective covers on the mattress. I don't mind being an adult bedwetter and I don't mind being diaper dependent, but the problem is leaking diapers that I have not been able to contain because I am a very heavy wetter.
At times, I've used double disposable high-absorbancy diapers with an adult cloth diaper cover to catch leaks and two pairs of tight plastic pants - and the pee still gets out. Grrrr.
But I just got my first pair of Threaded Armor lounge pants, i.e., Diaper pants. I was skeptical too because so many products I've purchased were ridiculously poor in quality and function. But this product I will tell you is wonderful. The fit (be sure to size right) is so perfect and the waist and leg bands are incredibly comfortable. I won't say it feels like regular underwear because it still feels like a diaper but it doesn't bunch up or sag like a diaper when soaked and is much more comfortable than a diaper - more like what a pair of Training Pants might feel to a toddler. The quality is clearly superior. But all of this means little if the product doesn't protect me and my bed.
Outcome of my first night's wetting which is most likely three wetting - the product held the pee locked in. I didn't even use plastic pants. I was completely dry in the morning.
The product is so much more comfy than diapers which bunch up and feel lumpy sitting in. I will say that the pant does feel slightly more damp when soaked than would a diaper. I recommend use of the additional soaker for heavy wetters which I used at night. The pant also is not quite as odor resistant as a diaper may be, but not so bad that you smell like a wet baby unless you wear the product wet for more than 8 hours. Clean up is incredibly easy. I just throw the pant into the washer on the rinse and spin cycle and dry on low heat because of the built in plastic pant. I recommend washing with detergent only once a week for urinary accidents. Rinsing and dying the pant effectively leaves it fresh smelling and soft. Also, if you have a bedwetting child, this would be a godsend to any child. It looks like underwear even though it still feels like a diaper. This will allow kids to go to camp and sleepovers with confidence because the other kids would never guess that this was actually a diaper. The child need not worry about disposing a wet stinky diaper in the morning - they could actually just wear these home and change at home because they do not leak at all. They can be worn to school as well as to bed and end childhood nightmares about pants wetting accidents in public.
All in all, this is an all around quality product. It is a bit pricey, but if you're like me and conscientious about wet beds, the price could be well worth your peace of mind.